We could be Heroes.

Nalini Gupta
2 min readMar 30, 2017


While watching an episode of The Flash, the speed and the superpower startles me. Or in your case, it could be with Super Woman or Captain America. They are heroes for us who save the city from alien attack or a monster.

The 3 am thought that I have in my mind is the process those people undergo to find their superpower. They discover it somehow and under some circumstances.

What if there is a superpower in every one of us? What if we could be immensely huge or extremely fast or turn into any other creature? The list is very long.

The question leaves a patch in your mind. What if it’s waiting for you to discover it? Boiling inside your body, dying to come out. But the real question is how to trigger it?

We are unknown to it. Unknown to its nature, unknown to its behavior.

Or what if we are just ordinary people with no superhuman powers? We possess no power that would help in making it a better world to live. Just ordinary people who sleep more on weekends, eat more pizza and work.

There is a power within us, probably it would not be able to make you run fast or lift heavy things but would do wonders for people around you.

The tip you gave to the pizza delivery guy made him smile more in the shitty day he had. The half an hour more you slept made your neighbors happy courtesy your love for metal music. The work you did on Excel contributed and brought laurels to the team.

The little-stranded girl on the side of the road whom you smiled to while coming back from your work, thinks about you as an inspiration.

This is the superpower you should crave for. The things we do unknowingly that impact other people around us and their lives.

You could be a hero for someone. Someone could be a hero for you. The superhuman powers we see are just fictional and only airs once a week on your Netflix.

We could be our own heroes.



Nalini Gupta
Nalini Gupta

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